As Detroit reclaims its honorable and glorious history, one of its most profound achievements rests in the safety and protection of its people. In 2024, Detroit boasts its lowest crime rate in 57 years with an 18% drop in homicides.

Detroit has achieved this drop in violent crime through a myriad of programs and initiatives including a $10,000 per year increase in safety officers’ salaries, hiring 200  new officers and implementing neighborhood based programs like Shotspotters-a $10 million city initiative.

Shotspotters is a novel approach to crime reduction as it places the power in the hands of the people through six selected communities who are responsible for reducing homicides and shootings within their Community Violence Intervention zones.

In 2016 the City of Detroit unveiled Project Green Light, a public/private/community partnership to deter crime and efficiently identify offenders through 907 surveillance cameras installed along the city’s streets.

Detroit is transforming itself into a safe, protective city through the innovation and cooperation of city government and its citizens.

